Gardiner, Maine May Increase Business License Fees

Council members passed the first reading of a by-law detailing possible changes to Gardiner, Maine business license fees. The second reading is set for next Wednesday, June 1, 2011. If passed, the ordinance will increase the fees of some business licenses while abolishing the need for other business licenses. This could go into effect as early as July 1, 2011.

The total revenue bought in by business licenses in Gardiner, Maine currently stands at $1,725.00. The ordinance under discussion is proposing increasing revenue by almost triplicate to $5,000.00.  

According to Kennebec Journal, City Manager Scott Morelli said the changes will allow the city to be more "business friendly" while also relying on fees as a revenue source that doesn't affect property owners.

Some of the businesses that will be affected by the increased fees are victualers, mobile food trucks, hawkers and peddlers.

The council will be eliminating license fees for businesses that they feel aren’t costing the city much in service, such as innkeepers, photographers and employment agencies.

City officials say that they will review business license fees each year to make sure that they are “fair and equitable.”

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