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Indiana Business LicenseThe Fastest Way to Get Your Indiana Business LicenseIndiana business licenses are not easy to understand, let alone obtain. Business Licenses, LLC cuts through the clutter and helps business owners understand their Indiana business license requirements. April 23, 2020 Update: Needless to say, the Coronavirus has dramatically affected economic conditions in Indiana and every other state too. Nevertheless, business owners are still filing for licenses and permits, authorities are still requiring them, and Business Licenses, LLC is still assisting customers with Business License Compliance Packages for Indiana. Business Licenses, LLC’s partners are indeed sponsoring free BLCPs for many qualifying business owners. December 10, 2020 Update: Home to over 6,000,000 people (and one assumes that not all of them are auto racing and basketball fans), Indiana has always been a great place to open a business, and that will likely be true for the foreseeable future. Nevertheless, The Hoosier State makes some aspects of acquiring business licenses difficult and that may not change in the foreseeable future either. Regulated business licenses – ranging from child care licenses and food establishment permits to pawn broker licenses and environmental permits – are especially challenging because they are largely decentralized among the many counties and cities within the state. This creates a great deal of confusion among new business owners and some have subsequently discovered that they are in violation of the law and now vulnerable to forced closure, fines, and other penalties. For example, one of our corporate customers – a nationwide home installation company – recently needed to obtain a contracting license to operate legally in Indiana. Whereas many states would simply require a single business license to be maintained at the state level, our filing and renewal department needed to obtain a separate contracting license in every single Indiana jurisdiction on their behalf. There is no getting around those requirements – even for experienced business license professionals. Explore Local Business License Requirements in IndianaExplore your local licensing authority requirements by clicking on your county in the list below. You can further drill down to your city to better understand all of your business license and permit requirements. Don't forget that if you're providing services in more than one jurisdiction in Indiana, you will need to review your business license requirements in every city/county in which you're doing business.
How Many Business Licenses in Indiana Do You Need?The number of business licenses in Indiana that you will need will depend upon a number of unique factors. Within which city/county will you operate your business? What business activities will you be conducting? How heavily regulated is your industry? Etc. To put it in perspective, we ran the following queries through our own business license research tool. Here are some authentic results: • A marketing business in Indianapolis, IN may require up to 7 business licenses and/or permits, including a state-specific Indiana tax registration. It depends on the details, but a business owner seeking this registration may need to download an Application for Consolidated Tax Filing Number, a Business Tax Application Form, a Business Tax Closure Request, a General Sales Tax Exemption Certificate, and a Power of Attorney Form. • A moving company in Fort Wayne, IN may require up to 11 business licenses and/or permits, including a state-specific Indiana motor carrier permit. Depending on what you're moving, a business owner seeking this permit may need to submit an Application for Emergency or Temporary Authority to Transport Passenger or Household Goods and a Business Authorization and Safety Application for Intrastate and/or Interstate Carriers. • A precious metals business in Evansville, IN may require up to 9 business licenses and/or permits, including a local Evansville precious metals dealer license. There is at least one form associated with this license -- an Application for Precious Metals Dealer. Get Requirements for Your Indiana Business LicenseNo matter how large or small your business is, Business Licenses, LLC can provide you with all you need to get a business license in Indiana (IN). We also can provide you with the Indiana business license requirements that are specific to your industry. We support every industry from food service to retail, telecommunications to consulting, insurance to pharmacy, healthcare to teaching. Professional Help Getting Business Licenses in IndianaBeyond discovering and comprehending requirements for how to get a business license in Indiana (IN), many organizations spend valuable time on the application process itself. Business Licenses, LLC provides professional assistance for collecting all of your Indiana business license requirements, filling in the paperwork, and submitting them to the proper authorities in Indiana. A Business Licenses, LLC expert will talk with you and complete the Indiana business license applications on your behalf, regardless of complexity. We will then submit your Indiana business license applications online (wherever possible) or send you forms that are ready for you to sign, date, and drop in the mail. |