New York Business License

The Fastest Way to Get Your New York Business License

New York (NYS) business licenses are not easy to understand, let alone obtain. Business Licenses, LLC cuts through the clutter and helps business owners understand their NYS business license requirements.

April 23, 2020 Update: Needless to say, the Coronavirus has dramatically affected economic conditions in New York and every other state too. Nevertheless, business owners are still filing for licenses and permits, authorities are still requiring them, and Business Licenses, LLC is still assisting customers with Business License Compliance Packages for New York. Business Licenses, LLC’s partners are indeed sponsoring free BLCPs for many qualifying business owners.

December 10, 2020 Update: New York has long been home to some of the most entrepreneurial spirits in America. The business friendly vibe of The Empire State is undeniable, but the process of obtaining proper NYS business licenses leaves much to desire for the nearly 20,000,000 potential entrepreneurs who call it home.

At issue are the numerous "special business licenses" that are required within the state. The requirements for a business license in NYC include an extensive list of highly specialized business licenses. There is a Parking Lot License, a Child Care License, a Car Wash license, and even a Laundry License (despite the fact that laundry is not normally considered a heavily regulated business license). They even have a special Pet Cemetery License which would presumably make Stephen King proud.

Outside of the requirements for a business license in NYC, the situation isn’t much improved. Other cities require specialty licenses such as Farm Winery Licenses and Electronic Dealer Licenses. Sorting it all out takes time and patience.

Explore Local Business License Requirements in New York

Explore your local licensing authority requirements by clicking on your county in the list below. You can further drill down to your city to better understand all of your business license and permit requirements. Don't forget that if you're providing services in more than one jurisdiction in New York, you will need to review your business license requirements in every city/county in which you're doing business.

How Many Business Licenses in New York Do You Need?

The number of business licenses in New York that you will need will depend upon a number of unique factors. Within which city/county will you operate your business? What business activities will you be conducting? How heavily regulated is your industry? Etc. To put it in perspective, we ran the following queries through our own business license research tool. Here are some authentic results:

A coffee shop in New York, NY may require up to 16 business licenses and/or permits, including a state-specific New York beverage license. It may not be easy to get that license in New York and it may require obscure documents like an Application for Certificate of Approval for Bottled or Bulk Water Facilities.

A sports training business in Buffalo, NY may require up to 13 business licenses and/or permits, including a state-specific New York child care license. That license has a few forms and documents associated with it, such as an Information Request Form and a Program Evaluation Questionnaire.

A landscaping business in Spring Valley, NY may require up to 14 business licenses and/or permits, including a county-specific Rockland home improvement contractors license. One document (among others) commonly associated with that license is an Application for License as a Home Improvement Contractor.

Get Requirements for Your New York Business License

No matter how large or small your business is, Business Licenses, LLC can provide you with all you need to get a business license in New York. We also can provide you with the New York business license requirements that are specific to your industry. We support every business license type from landscaping licenses to amusement permits, motor carrier permits to dumpster licenses, debt management licenses to lottery licenses, and plumbing licenses to accounting licenses.

Professional Help for Getting Business Licenses in New York

Beyond discovering and comprehending requirements for how to get a business license in New York (NY), many organizations spend valuable time on the application process itself. Business Licenses, LLC provides professional assistance for collecting all of your New York business license requirements, filling in the paperwork, and submitting them to the proper authorities in New York. A Business Licenses, LLC expert will talk with you and complete the New York business license applications on your behalf, regardless of complexity. We will then submit your New York business license applications online (wherever possible) or send you forms that are ready for you to sign, date, and drop in the mail.
