Fredrick City on the Lookout for Unlicensed Cabs

Obtaining a business license to operate a taxi service in the City of Frederick could be a costly and complicated procedure. Company owners must pay an application fee of $2,500, their employees must go through a city background check against criminal activity, and their vehicles must pass city inspection.

With the rising unemployment rate, more and more individuals are looking to taxi service as a means of earning quick cash. By skipping licensing requirements and using their private cars, individuals can offer cheaper rates than their legal counterparts.

Word has spread about the cheaper car rides available and many residents have begun using illegal cab service.

“The goal of the city's taxi rules is to help keep passengers safe,” said Christine Grob, Frederick's special vehicle coordinator. “A violation is a municipal infraction,” she said, quoted in The Frederick News Post.

Violating the city’s taxi license ordinance can cost up to $1,000 in fines a day.

To obtain your Frederick taxi service license in an easy and clear fashion, visit

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