North Salt Lake May Lower Landlords’ Business License Fees

City officials in North Salt Lake have thought of a way to lower landlords’ business license fees while at the same time bringing down the local crime rate.

According to the Davis County Clipper, the program would require “landlords of apartment buildings and duplexes to do more background checks on potential tenants, and by extension not rent to those who had been convicted of a drug or criminal violations within the past three years.”

Crime calls from local apartment buildings has cost the city plenty in police service. City officials feel that blocking past-criminals from residing in local housing will greatly decrease the need of police interference. This will save the city a lot of money and in turn they can lower the landlords’ business license fees.

Council members have reached this conclusion after comparing the amount local businesses cost the city to the amount the businesses pay in licensing fees.

“Certain types of businesses take more city resources than others,” said North Salt Lake Community Development Director Ken Leetham.

Council members will use the study to determine future licensing fees for local businesses.

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