San Clemente Council Members Vote Down Changes to Business License Fee Structure

March 12, 2012

City councilors have rejected an appeal made by the local Chamber of Commerce to adjust the current San Clemente, CA business license fee structure to reflect more business-friendly charges. Members of the Chamber of Commerce have been trying to get the council to implement changes since the summer.

Chamber members have researched neighboring cities’ business license fee schedules and have determined that San Clemente’s is the most taxing on local businesses. As written in a letter to the city council, "Our existing license tax structure puts San Clemente on a competitive disadvantage when compared to neighboring cities."

The Orange County Register reports that the changes requested by the Chamber would cost the city $200,000 out of their annual business license income of $900,000. Councilors feel that city coffers can’t handle an annual loss of such mammoth proportions.  

Members of the Chamber of Commerce have publicized their intent of continuing to work on getting the council to agree to lower business license fees.

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