Business License Filing Services

 Call 1-800-870-0285    


Filing all Business License, Permit, and Tax Registration Applications


Need help completing license applications and submitting them to the various licensing authorities?

We gather all pertinent information, prepare  all business license, permit, and tax registration application forms, cut the checks for the licensing fees, and submit the applications to the various licensing authorities on our clients behalf. Our clients have access to our secure Web-based  filing system, enabling them to review all filings at any time.




  • Compilation of the information necessary to complete license applications
  • Gathering of the required attachments and supplementary documentation
  • Completion of all the paperwork
  • Cutting the checks for the governmental licensing fees
  • Applying to the licensing authorities on our clients behalf
  • Distribution of the license, permits and other certificates to locations designated by our clients
  • A Web-based user-accessible filing system

Customer Testimonials

Business License Software and Services

Business License Management System (BLMS)™

License and Permit Electronic Library (LAPEL)™

Business License Compliance Package (BLCP)™



Gap Analysis and License Verification

Outsourced License Management

    Call 1-800-870-0285 or request more information